About The Blade Vault


Frequently Asked Questions

Is this a searchable, exhaustive database of everything The Blade has ever produced or owned?
No. At this time, The Blade's bound volumes from 1835 - 2002 are not reproduced into a digitized searchable archive. But we comb them, and can extract items of interest from them to transform them into decorative prints and historic keepsakes.

What is available to me through The Blade Vault? 
Well, everything The Blade has ever produced or owned... with an asterisk.

The Blade Vault utilizes The Blade's private library, which contains most published pages in excellent condition. Items published from 2002-present are all digital and easily searchable online.

Whether it's in an historical volume or available online, how can I do my own research to find something of interest?
Please review our detailed list of ways to find Blade history: HELP ME SEARCH

While The Blade Vault offers the highest quality reproductions, repackaging, and design with our own content, you may not necessarily want that. Or you may wish to see what you can find first. And while We can conduct research for you, The Blade's Library is private and research fees do apply. Conducting your own preliminary research in order to find an exact publish date or item eliminates the labor intensive searching on our end so we can straight to the source and work on reproducing in an appealing style.

What is my article as a Custom Article Reprint? — If you have an article of interest, we repackage it on a single page, including masthead (or "nameplate"), larger photos (extra photos where available), and no ads.

What are Archive Prints? Essentially historical photos from our archives turned into a decorative print to hang our frame. These work to elevate the photo as an art object and historical record through contextual elements of the way it originally appeared in the paper; this can include detail images of the newspaper page, the masthead, and captioning information the provides framework to the photos subject matter

What are Custom Photo Collage Prints? — Similar to an Archive Print, it focuses more on being a photo collage, than a item of singular interest. Where Archive Prints are historical in nature and developed ,ore byt The Blade Vault staff than by request, Photo Collage Prints tend to be more contemporary in nature and are typically generated by customer requests.

What are Page Reproductions? Full newspaper pages that can be reproduced from the entire history of The Blade, Toledo Blade, Toledo News-Bee, and Toledo Times. Nothing is done to them as far additional design. Original newsprint pages are scanned at a high resolution and reproduced onto a single page.

What are Commemorative Edition Prints? These are prints designed by Editorial Staff that mimic The Blade's contemporary pages but are pages that did not run in the actual printed paper (see Perrysburg, Central Catholic, and OSU football for examples)

What are Commemorative Edition Page Reproductions? — These are commemorative or "souvenir packages" published in the printed edition of The Blade. 

Who? What? When? Where? Why? 
That's a joke! 

But if you have questions, email info@thebladevault.com or call The Blade's Resource Dept. at 419.724.6210